Thursday, March 10, 2016

Grace Happens

Read 2 Corinthians 4.5-18

What if our lives lived out the truth of... Grace happens?

Unearned gifts and unexpected pleasures bring exceptional joy. This is not only a human truth, but a significant theological point. And the greatest outpouring of unmerited favor…the Cross.

There on the cross our Lord cried out to each of us so as to tell us we are worth the love of the Godhead—that we need do nothing but accept the most significant, unexpected, unearned gift …salvation (eternal life).

There on the cross our Lord showed us that He would go to any length to find us, embrace us and love us. This is who He is; He pursues us at the cost of His own well-being, to the point of death. Think about it, God searched and found Adam and Eve ashamed and hiding; Noah amidst the wickedness of humanity; Abraham who was “old and advanced”; He found Moses lost, running and without purpose; Joseph in a ditch; Daniel in a lion’s den. And He found you…

Our gracious God has a curious habit of showing up in the midst of trouble and reviving our souls.
Where the world sees failure, God sees future by pouring out hope. Rather than question His gracious presence, embrace it by becoming it, always remembering that the Spirit tends to recruit from the pit, not the pedestal.

Today you can make a difference. Become grace so as to erase the darkness of ungrace. Let us who love Jesus reclaim the truth of His love that has been tarnished by graceless Christians so that daily, grace happens. All we have received from God is undeserved…let us become His people who nourish a culture of God’s abounding love and grace.

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