As Paul writes:
“Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (vs. 16-18).
Our call to rejoice and to pray are not suggestions, they are expectations. And why? Because Paul knows that when our hearts our consumed by prayer then all we experience, all we encounter awakens us to our need of Jesus, and in this need we come to realize His unceasing love. We come to recognize that in Christ and through the Spirit we are the beloved, that in Him we are given eternal joy. Such joy that wants nothing more than to give thanks to the One who transforms us into more than conquerors.
To give thanks in everything is the result of a heart of worship. It is the natural result of one who has come into the holy presence of Jesus. For when we cry out to the Holy Spirit to take us into the heart Jesus, our King of kings, we can do none other than rejoice always.
When our lives become a fountain of prayer our hearts overflow with the sweet eruption of hope and joy that spring forth from divine love poured out. For when we embrace the Holy Spirit so as to go deep into the heart of Christ, our lives become drenched in His love so that as Kari Jobe sings,
“Worthy is the Lamb who was slainGo and listen to Kari and let your heart be filled with awestruck wonder at the name of Jesus. Let us give our hearts to the One who was and is and is to come, through unceasing prayer. For such an offering is that which in Revelation is called “incense,” because, when it ascends to heaven, God smells the sweet savor of our hearts (Rev 5.8).
Holy, holy is He
Sing a new song to Him who sits on
Heaven's mercy seat”
Oh let us bow down in prayer and sing with all creation the glory and wonder of our Lord. Let us embrace His love so that our lives might erupt in the truth of His joy. Amen Jesus!
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